Gauguin’s Shadow by Fred Curchack

“When Mr. Curchack is on stage, imagination knows no limitations…theatrical virtuoso.”
~The New York Times


Created and Performed by Fred Curchack

April 13 – May 8, 2004 at Undermain Theatre

Adapted from the writings of Paul Gauguin, Curchack embraces, becomes, repudiates, and sanctifies the towering, deplorable Gauguin in a ritual of contradiction and reconciliation that also serves as an orgiastic immersion in the painter’s images.

Paul Gauguin lived somewhat of a mythical lifestyle as an artist, leaving a lucrative career as a stockbroker and abandoning his wife and five children to pursue his art. His desertion from his friend and collaborator Vincent Van Gogh led to Van Gogh cutting off his earlobe the night of his departure

Season 2003/04Adam Harper