Undermain Theatre is committed to and strongly believes in building an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment that promotes the arts and theatrical storytelling. We recognize that an effective and relevant organization is one that uplifts equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout all aspects of the company. We will strive to create a more robust, relevant, and sustainable place in the community through diversifying our workforce, leadership, creative teams, productions, and audiences.
Equity means recognizing that not everyone starts at the same place, addressing inequities in access and opportunity, and allowing for full and fair participation.
Diversity means acknowledging and respecting human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups we are a part of or with which we are associated. These qualities include but are not limited to: ethnicity, race, color, country of origin, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, age, sexual or relationship orientation, family structure, religion, beliefs, political affiliations, experiences and ability differences.
Inclusion means honoring and accepting the backgrounds, experiences, and wisdom that every individual brings with them, so that the staff, artists, board members, donors, audiences, and community members of Undermain Theatre feel valued.
We acknowledge the land beneath our feet as the ancestral home of many Indigenous Peoples, including the Caddo, Wichita, Tawakoni, and Kiikaapoi, as well as the tribes that may have lived here and roamed the area—including Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache—and those Indigenous people whose names we don’t know anymore. We honor, revere, and respect those who were stewards of this land long before we made it our home. We also acknowledge Deep Ellum, the neighborhood we inhabit, as one of the original Freedman's towns of Dallas.
Indigenious people whose land we are acknowledging:
Kiikaapoi – Kee-kah-poo (accent on “kee’)
Caddo – Kah-doh (accent an “kah”)
Wichita –wi-chə-tah (accent on “wi”)
Tawakoni – tah-vah-koo-nee (soft w almost like w, accent on “koo”)
Comanche –kah-man-chee (accent on “man”)
Kiowa –ky-oh-wah (accent on “oh”)
Apache – ah-patch-ee (accent on “patch”)
Undermain Theatre stands in solidarity with our Asian-American Pacific Islander communities to #StopAAPIHate.
Undermain Theatre stands in solidarity with the trans and non-binary communities and we acknowledge and honor the work of the trans and non-binary artists who have contributed to our history.
The Texas Equal Access Fund provides free, non-judgmental, confidential, and affirming support for the needs of all women including expanded access to abortion care and to protect bodily autonomy and support women and our communities. Click here.
Stop AAPI Hate: In response to the alarming escalation in xenophobia and bigotry resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the AAPI Equity Alliance (AAPI Equity), Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA), and the Asian American Studies Department of San Francisco State University launched the Stop AAPI Hate coalition on March 19, 2020. The coalition tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Click here.
A Concise History of Black Dallas: From a 1998 DMagazine article. Click here.
The 20 Top Dual Diagnostic Treatment Centers in Texas (for Mental Health). Click here.