Uncle Bob by Austin Pendleton

“I have this fucking goodness in my heart, it’s going to bum me out, what do I do with it?”


Directed by Bruce DuBose

January 24 – February 28, 1998 at Undermain Theatre

A shocking, dark comedy by veteran character actor Austin Pendleton, about Bob, a middle-aged Boho black sheep whose nephew pays an unexpected visit. Enter into an ailing man’s microcosmic apartment and witness the unexplored limits of devotion and sacrifice.

Cast and Creatives

Written by Austin Pendleton
Directed by Bruce DuBose

Designed by
Tristan Decker: Lighting Design
Bruce DuBose: Sound Design
Leila Heise: Costume Design
Patti Kirkpatrick: Properties Design
Scott Osborne: Set Design

Cameron Cobb: Josh
Raphael Parry: Bob

Season 1997/98Adam Harper